The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Baltimore be coughin' up a jolly $48 million for the unjust lockin' o' them poor lads fer 36 long years!


Arr! Them scurvy knaves, wrongly branded as whelps, did fire upon a wee lad o' 14 winters. But lo! One o' them gallants had the wit to request them public scrolls, and so their tale be revisited.

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of injustice and swashbuckling adventure! It be the story of a group of lads wrongly accused and convicted for the dastardly deed of takin' the life of a young lad! Aye, ye heard right, innocent they were, yet forced to walk the plank of a life behind bars.

Now, these lads were no ordinary landlubbers, but teenagers, barely old enough to grow a proper beard. They had been accused of shootin' a 14-year-old lad, but the truth be like a buried treasure, hidden deep beneath the waves. For years, these lads languished in their cells, dreamin' of the day they could set sail and taste the sweet freedom of the seven seas.

But one brave soul among them, he be havin' a spark of genius! He be thinkin', "Why not send a message in a bottle, aye, a public records request?" And so he did, me hearties! He sent that message out into the vast ocean of bureaucracy, hopin' it would reach a sympathetic ear.

Lo and behold, a miracle occurred! The powers that be heard their cries and decided to take a closer look at the case. They dove deep into the archives, like a crew of scurvy dogs huntin' for buried treasure, and what did they find? Evidence, me hearty! Evidence that exonerated these poor lads and proved their innocence.

So, the day finally came when the prison gates swung open, and these lads were set free, like birds takin' flight. They had been wronged, but justice had finally been served. They stepped out into the world, ready to embrace their newfound freedom and sail towards new horizons.

And that, me hearties, be the tale of these wrongly convicted lads and the power of a humble public records request. It just goes to show ye, even in the darkest of times, a glimmer of hope can shine through like a beacon in the night. So, next time ye feel wronged, remember this story and never give up fightin' for what be right. Fair winds to ye all!

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