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Arrr, the deputy mayor of Jerusalem be demandin' proof o' life for hostages. Aye, assure us before Biden's aide sails to Gaza!


Arrr, matey! Jerusalem's Deputy Mayor, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, be warnin' old Joe Biden to keep a keen eye on that treasure chest o' Gazan gold, makin' sure those scallywag Hamas pirates don't get their filthy hooks on it, yarrr!

The deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, has demanded proof of life for the more than 200 hostages taken by Hamas militants from Israel before any promised humanitarian aid arrives in Gaza for Palestinians. She expressed frustration that the Red Cross and the UN have not been able to see the hostages, and she called for them to be a priority for all governments. Hassan-Nahoum also expressed concerns about the corrupt leadership in the West Bank, who she claims steal from their people and pay terrorists life pensions for killing Jews. She acknowledged President Biden's intentions to provide humanitarian aid but stressed the need for accountability and for the money to go towards genuine aid rather than supporting hatred and terrorism. She also criticized the UN for funding schools that teach a curriculum of hatred. David Satterfield, the newly appointed US Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues, met with Israeli and Egyptian officials to discuss the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Hassan-Nahoum emphasized the level of barbarity displayed by Hamas militants during their recent attacks and expressed the ongoing trauma faced by Israeli citizens until the hostages are returned. She also addressed concerns about radical elements and terrorist cells within Israel. Finally, she called on the press to be cautious in accepting uncorroborated statements from terrorist groups, highlighting the vulnerability of Jews to anti-Semitic attacks.

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