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Avast! The scurvy dog Biden be likenin' Putin to Hamas, but Russia be cryin' foul, ye scallywags!


Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Russia be givin' the ol' heave-ho to President Biden fer likin' Russian President Vladimir Putin to them swashbucklin' scoundrels, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Methinks 'tis a jolly jest!

Russia has criticized President Biden's comparison of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called Biden's remarks "unacceptable" and not suitable for responsible heads of state. During a primetime speech, Biden stated that the assault on Israel echoes the suffering inflicted on the people of Ukraine since Putin's invasion. He accused the Russians of mass graves, torture, rape, and forcibly taking Ukrainian children into Russia. Biden emphasized that although Hamas and Putin represent different threats, they both seek the complete annihilation of neighboring democracies.

Peskov responded to Biden's comments by stating that such rhetoric is unsuitable for responsible heads of state and unacceptable to Russia. He asserted that they do not accept this tone towards the Russian Federation and their president. Biden also mentioned that terrorists and dictators must face consequences for their actions to prevent further chaos and destruction. He warned that if Putin's power and control over Ukraine are not stopped, he will not limit himself to Ukraine alone.

Russia's criticism of Biden's comparison highlights the tension between the two countries. The language used by Peskov suggests a humorous tone, as he refers to the remarks as "hardly suitable" and dismisses them as unacceptable. However, the underlying message is clear – Russia objects to being compared to a terrorist group and rejects any negative characterization of their president. The statement also serves to defend Putin's actions in Ukraine and deny any wrongdoing. Overall, the exchange demonstrates the ongoing conflict and differing perspectives between Russia and the United States.

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