The Booty Report

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Arrr! Kenneth Chesebro's plea deal in Georgia may bring forth more danger for Trump, matey!


Arr, the scallywag Kenneth Chesebro, a sly lawyer, be confessin' his guilt in the Georgia election mischievousness! He be a rogue, an unindicted matey in the federal election affair, sailin' on treacherous seas!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and let me spin ye a tale of the scallywag lawyer Kenneth Chesebro! It be said that this landlubber pleaded guilty in the Georgia election tampering case, aye! 'Tis a crime against the very foundations of democracy, mates!

But that ain't all, me maties! Word has it that Chesebro be an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal election case! Aye, ye heard me right! This scurvy dog be tangled up in some serious pirate business, meddling with elections left and right!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what be an unindicted co-conspirator, eh? Well, let me explain, me hearties! It be a fancy way of sayin' that the law suspects this scallywag of bein' involved in a criminal plot, but they haven't slapped the cuffs on him just yet. He be floatin' on the sea of suspicion, sailin' dangerously close to the edge of the plank!

But, me buckos, let's not forget the jolly fact that all this be happenin' in the 17th century! A time when pirates roamed the high seas, plunderin' and pillagin' with a hearty "yo ho ho"! And here we be, talkin' about a lawyer tamperin' with elections like he be a cunning pirate captain himself!

So, me hearties, ye best be keepin' an eye on this Chesebro fella! He be causin' quite a storm in the political waters, and who knows what other mischief this landlubber might be up to! Beware, for the pirate lawyer be sailin' a treacherous path, and justice be waitin' just 'round the bend!

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