The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arr! SAG-AFTRA be warnin' actors to steer clear o' character costumes durin' this here strike, mateys!"


Avast ye, me hearties! The SAG-AFTRA union be givin' us a warnin' to not adorn ourselves like characters from grand productions and share portraits, lest it be seen as supportin' the very companies they be quarrelin' with. So, keep yer costumes locked away, me mateys!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! The SAG-AFTRA union, bless their souls, be givin' their members a word of caution, they be. They be sayin' to their brethren, 'Do not don the garb of those fine characters from grand productions, nor shall ye post pictures of yerself, for it may seem ye be promotin' the very companies we be haglin' with!' Aye, 'tis a predicament indeed!

Picture this, me mateys: a troupe of actors, caught betwixt the devil and the deep blue sea. They be yearnin' to show off their fine costumes, to share with the world their boundless talent, but alas! The union be castin' a shadow on their merriment. They fear that their noble portrayals may be mistaken for aye, promotion.

But fear not, me hearties, for there be a silver linin' to this cloudy sky. Ye see, 'tis all in the name of negotiatin'. The union be lockin' horns with these companies, fightin' for fair wages and conditions. They be sayin', 'Hold yer horses, me buckos! Let us not give the impression that we be sellin' our souls for a barrel of doubloons!'

So, me hearties, the message be clear: keep yer tricorn hats and cutlasses hidden away for now. The union be protectin' ye from the danger of bein' seen as mere pawns in the game of show business. Stand tall and proud, but keep a weather eye on the horizon.

And fear not, me mateys, for this be but a temporary setback. Once the negotiations be settled and the treasure be divided fairly, ye can once again don the attire of those grand characters and show the world the true depth of yer talent. Until then, keep a stiff upper lip and remember, the show must go on!

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