The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye olde tempest, Hurricane Norma, be drawin' near to the shores o' Mexico's Los Cabos resorts!


Avast ye mateys! Thar be a mighty tempest brewin' 'round them parts o' Baja California! Hurricane Norma be approachin' the southern tip, ready to unleash its fury 'pon them fancy Los Cabos resorts. Brace yerselves, me hearties, fer winds o' 110 mph be comin' yer way!

Residents of Mexico's Los Cabos resorts are busy preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Norma, which is heading towards the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Tammy has grown into a hurricane and is threatening to batter the Leeward Islands. The U.S. National Hurricane Center has issued hurricane warnings for several islands in the region. Both hurricanes are expected to reach land by Saturday, with rain starting to fall on Friday night. Hurricane Norma currently has maximum sustained winds of 110 mph and is located about 220 miles south of Cabo San Lucas. The Category 2 storm is moving at a speed of 8 mph. In preparation for the hurricane, many activities have been put on hold, such as boat tours in Cabo San Lucas. However, hotels in the area, which are popular among foreign tourists, remain about three-quarters full, and there has been no significant movement by visitors to leave. Around 40,000 tourists are estimated to still be in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. The government has deployed 500 marines to assist with storm preparations, and emergency shelters are on standby if needed. A hurricane warning has been issued for the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula, and the storm is predicted to head towards the western Pacific coast state of Sinaloa. The port of Manzanillo has also been closed, and some classes in Baja California Sur state have been canceled. While Hurricane Norma is expected to weaken as it approaches land, concerns remain about significant winds and heavy rain. Hurricane Tammy, in the Atlantic, is currently located 145 miles east-southeast of Martinique and is moving west-northwest. It is expected to maintain hurricane strength as it passes by Guadeloupe and Antigua and Barbuda, posing a threat to the Leeward Islands.

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