The Booty Report

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Yarr! The court be sayin' the wee lass must walk the plank and part ways with the wee bun in her oven!


Arr, matey! A British judge did decree a wee lass of 11 summers to have an abortion, claimin' 'twas best for her mind and body, as per local tales. Shiver me timbers, what a mighty decision to be makin' fer such a tender lass!

A 17th-century pirate interpretation of the events described in the article might go something like this:

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of the high seas and the treacherous deeds of some scallywags! We be sailin' in the year 2023, where a sad tale of a young lass unfolds. A judge from the United Kingdom, known as Mrs. Justice Arbuthnot, be orderin' an 11-year-old girl to get an abortion, claimin' it be in her best interest. The poor lass had been raped by not one, but two 14-year-old rapscallions she met on the internet.

The court documents reveal that the girl be gettin' pregnant after the first scoundrel took advantage of her when she be only 10 years old. Then, just after her 11th birthday, another rogue did the same, although he didn't make her with child. Can ye believe it? The girl be about 14 weeks pregnant during the court hearin', yet she claimed to be "happy" with the pregnancy. The judge, however, be explainin' the many risks to the poor lass, but she seemed to have some "naive magical thinkin'" about the situation, as the judge put it.

The health board and a mental health consultant argued that the girl be not fit to carry on with the pregnancy, and a team of health specialists be sayin' it be a serious risk to her health. So, the judge, agreein' with the experts, ordered the girl to have an abortion. But there be a twist! The mother be warnin' that if the pregnancy be terminated, the girl might just go and get herself in the same situation again. It seems the parents be havin' a hard time preventin' it.

To make matters worse, the judge be orderin' a forensic investigation into the alleged rape, directin' the collection of tissue from the girl's placenta. It be a sad and distressin' tale, me hearties, but it be a reminder of the dangers that be lurkin' in the depths of the internet. Guard ye young ones well, for there be pirates out there lookin' to cause harm.

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