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From 'Goodfellas' to 'Flower Moon': How Scorsese be Rethinkin' Violence, Matey!


Arr, the captain be known fer his fancy-pantsy set pieces. But in "The Irishman" and his newest flick, he be ditchin' the frills fer plain ol' honest truths, matey!

The director, known for his love of grandiose and intricately crafted set pieces, has taken a different approach in his recent works. In both "The Irishman" and his latest film, he has abandoned the ornate editing and instead embraced a more straightforward style, presenting the audience with blunt truths.

Arrr! Ye be talkin' 'bout the Cap'n Martin Scorsese, aye? The scurvy dog known fer 'is fancy set pieces and grand spectacles. But in 'is latest flicks, he's changed 'is tune, matey! No more fancy flourishes, no more editin' trick'ry. Just plain ol' truth, told straight to yer face!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why the Cap'n decided to switch 'is style. Well, it be all 'bout the story, me hearties. In "The Irishman," he be tellin' the tale of a notorious gangster and the dark deeds he done. And ye know what? The Cap'n thought the truth be more powerful than any fancy set piece or flashy editin'!

So in this new film of his, the ol' Cap'n be takin' a similar approach. He be tellin' the story straight, with no frills or fancy distractions. It be all 'bout the message, ye see. The truth be hittin' ye square in the face, like a cannonball to the noggin'!

Now, some folks might be missin' the old Cap'n's fancy tricks. They be yearnin' for the days of ornate set pieces and intricate editin'. But let me tell ye, me hearties, this new style be refreshin'! It be like a breath of salty sea air, clearin' away the fog and showin' us the raw truth of the matter.

So next time ye be watchin' one of the Cap'n's films, don't be expectin' any fancy footwork or trickery. Just be ready for some good ol' blunt truths, delivered straight from the mouth of a 17th century pirate!

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