The Booty Report

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Arr, ye landlubber! A brave Israeli scallywag be tyin' the knot, despite bein' shot, while his matey be missin' in battle!


A gallant sailor of the IDF tied the matrimonial knot with his fair maiden in Israel, yonder week, havin' been struck in the leg by a hostile cannonball on the 7th day o' October, whilst tusslin' wit' them rascally scallywags of Hamas. Meanwhile, his own kin be lost at sea.

An Israeli soldier, Yonatan Tzvi, got married just a week after being wounded in battle against Hamas terrorists and his younger brother, Daniel, went missing in action. Despite the grief and uncertainty surrounding their situation, Yonatan and his bride, Galya, went ahead with their wedding ceremony, which had been planned months in advance. The wedding was bittersweet, with tears shed but also moments of happiness. Yonatan had been deployed to Sderot and then to an army base near the Gaza border where Hamas terrorists had taken over. During the intense gun battle that ensued, Yonatan was shot in the leg but miraculously avoided severe injury. His brother's tank, however, was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, and while the crew members were missing, a slain soldier was found inside. The military designated Daniel as missing in action, leaving the families with an unimaginable decision of whether to proceed with the wedding. They ultimately chose to go ahead but changed the location and reduced the guest list due to ongoing rocket attacks. The wedding was held in a school that had air raid shelters. Despite the absence of Daniel casting a shadow, the celebration managed to bring moments of happiness amidst the pain. Yonatan's father expressed shock over the ability of Hamas to breach the border and cause such devastation, as Israel had believed its military capabilities and defensive technology would protect it. The ongoing conflict has resulted in many casualties on both sides.

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