The Booty Report

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Arrr, LinkedIn be givin' a scurvy warning t' a site mockin' the pro-Palestinian sentiment, ye scallywags!


Arrr, ye scurvy dog! This here site be havin' a grand list o' thousands o' landlubbers, sortin' 'em by their places o' toil, once they be sharin' their thoughts on the battle betwixt Israel 'n' Hamas. Avast ye!

In ye olde language of a 17th century pirate, I shall spin ye a tale, mateys, about a site that be listing thousands o' folks, arrr, and sortin' 'em by their workplaces after they be shoutin' about the Israeli-Hamas strife! Shiver me timbers!

Avast! This here site, me hearties, be gatherin' all manner o' landlubbers and lumpin' 'em together based on where they be toilin' away. If ye be cryin' out about the conflict betwixt Israel and Hamas, ye be findin' yerself in good company with these scallywags! Arrr!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why on earth these blaggards be gatherin' folks based on their workplaces! Well, me buckos, it be a clever way to spy on the scuttlebutt happenin' in the realm o' work, arrr! Ye see, when ye be postin' about such a hot topic like a pirate's booty, it be mighty interestin' to know what the crew at yer workplace be sayin' about it, aye?

Imagine ye be toilin' away in the shipyard, hammerin' away at the ol' cannons, and ye be wantin' to know if yer fellow shipmates be for or against the Israeli-Hamas kerfuffle. This site, it be answerin' yer questions, me hearties! Ye be seein' a whole list o' yer shipmates, grouped together like a band of scurvy dogs, dependin' on what they be sayin' about the battle at sea!

But, let me tell ye, mates, this be more than just a way to snoop on yer workmates. It be a jolly good way to find like-minded scoundrels too! If ye be havin' strong opinions 'bout the Israeli-Hamas mess, ye be findin' others who be sharin' yer views. It be a bit like findin' a treasure map that leads ye to a whole crew o' pirates who be sailin' on the same ship as ye!

So, me hearties, raise yer grog and toast to this site, for bringin' together a mighty crew of folks shoutin' 'bout the Israeli-Hamas battle. Whether ye be spyin' on yer workmates or findin' kinship with fellow pirates, this be a place where ye can let loose yer thoughts like a cannonball! Arrr!

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