The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The State Dept be commandin' all landlubber government workers to set sail from Iraq, unless 'tis an emergency!


The ship's head, the State Department, be commandin' all ye scallywags of the U.S. government and their kin to abandon ship, er, I mean, leave Iraq! They've already allowed the crew of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to set sail.

The State Department has issued an updated travel advisory for Iraq, urging Americans not to travel to the country due to various security risks. This advisory comes after recent attacks by Iran-backed militias on U.S. military bases in Iraq and amid escalating tensions in the region. The State Department has already ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government personnel and eligible family members from U.S. Embassy Baghdad and U.S. Consulate General Erbil. The advisory highlights the high risks faced by U.S. citizens in Iraq, including the potential for violence, kidnapping, and attacks by terrorist and insurgent groups. It also warns of frequent demonstrations, protests, and strikes that can disrupt transportation and other services. The advisory specifically cautions against travel near Iraq's northern borders and areas near armed groups in northern Iraq. Due to security concerns, U.S. government personnel in Baghdad are instructed not to use Baghdad International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration has also extended its prohibition on certain flights in the Baghdad Flight Information Region. Americans who choose to travel to Iraq despite the warning are advised to draft a will and discuss their assets with family members beforehand. The updated advisory serves as a reminder of the volatile security situation in Iraq and highlights the importance of exercising caution and prioritizing personal safety while considering travel plans to the region.

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