The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Them landlubbin' migrants who abide by U.S. entry laws be facin' an eternity of waitin'!


Avast, mateys! Having braved a treacherous jungle, a fair lass and her kin be abiding the president's humble request to enter the United States by the law. But, by Davy Jones' locker, 341 days have passed, and their wait be still as long as a never-ending voyage across the seven seas!

Arr, me hearties! Listen to this tale of adventure and misfortune. A brave mother and her young lass embarked on a treacherous journey through a fearsome jungle. They were determined to answer the call of the president to enter the United States in a legal manner. Oh, the perils they faced!

With every step, they dodged dangerous creatures and battled the elements. The jungle's thick canopy challenged their every move, but they persevered, fueled by their desire for a better life. They forged ahead, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for safety and a brighter future.

But alas, my mateys, their journey was far from over! After surviving the jungle, they came face to face with the daunting task of bureaucracy. Ah, the dreaded waiting game began. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, until 341 sunrises and sunsets had passed.

Imagine their frustration, me hearties! They had heeded the president's plea, followed the rules, and yet still found themselves stuck in limbo. Patience became their closest companion as they yearned for news, any news, that would grant them entry into the promised land.

Through it all, they held onto hope, for it is a pirate's greatest treasure. They clung to the belief that their perseverance would be rewarded, and that one day they would set foot on the land they had fought so hard to reach.

So, me hearties, let this tale be a reminder of the challenges faced by those who seek a better life. Let us not forget the importance of compassion and efficiency in the face of such hardships. May we find a way to make the journey smoother for all who dare to venture into the unknown. Arr!

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