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Arr! A scurvy Hamas matey be askin' fer a truce, ye see, hopin' to free them poor hostages, says I!


Arrr, matey! Methinks ye shall not lay eyes on those 200 Israeli landlubbers held captive in the treacherous Gaza Strip, unless a truce be struck, says a scurvy dog from the likes of Hamas!

In a humorous twist, a Hamas official, Abu Hamid, speaking in the language of a 17th-century pirate, claimed that the Palestinian terrorist group cannot release the hostages it has captured during its war with Israel until a ceasefire deal is reached. According to a Russian newspaper, Hamid, who is part of a Hamas delegation visiting Moscow, stated that they needed time to locate the hostages within the Gaza Strip and release them. A calm environment was deemed necessary for the operation to be successful.
Meanwhile, the number of hostages being held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza has risen to 229, as confirmed by Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari. This number continues to change as various operations unfold. Since Hamas initiated its attack on Israel, only four hostages have been released. The IDF has made it their top priority to bring the hostages home safely, investing all their efforts into accomplishing this mission.
In other news, a senior political leader of the Hamas delegation in Moscow met with Iran's deputy foreign minister for political affairs. The Iranian Embassy in Moscow stated that Tehran's priorities in talks with foreign sides included an immediate ceasefire, providing aid to people, and lifting the blockade of Gaza.
With the situation still ongoing, it remains to be seen when the hostages will be released and if the ceasefire deal will be reached. However, it seems that both sides are actively engaging in diplomatic discussions as they seek a resolution to the conflict.

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