The Booty Report

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Arr, in Kenya, King Charles Will be treading a perilous plank, reminiscin' about Britain's past, matey!


Yarr, be him franker than his dear mum, reckon he'll admit the monarchy's savage colonial tale but steer clear of rousing cries for compensation, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Let me spin ye a tale in the language o' the swashbucklin' pirates of the 17th century, filled with humor and jest. Listen close, for I'm about to tell ye a tale of a scallywag who be called "he."

Now, this fine buccaneer be a cheeky scoundrel, not unlike his dear old mum. He be havin' a penchant for speakin' his mind, but he be no fool. He knows full well the wicked deeds o' the monarchy, plunderin' and pillagin' in the days of old. But mark me words, he be a crafty one, for he be knowin' to avoid stirrin' up a hornet's nest o' demands for reparations.

Ye see, this rascal be clever with his words. He be choosin' his battles wisely, for he be knowin' that even the most fearsome pirate captain must sometimes weigh the risks. He be settin' his sights on acknowledgin' the brutal history o' the monarchy's colonial ways, but he be stoppin' right there, savvy?

He be knowin' that reparations be a treacherous sea to navigate. 'Tis a stormy waters, me hearties, filled with angry voices and demands for justice. He be no fool to invite such turmoil into his pirate ship. Instead, he be settin' his course on a smoother sail.

So, with a twinkle in his eye and a chuckle on his lips, this witty pirate be treading carefully. He be speakin' the truth, but twistin' it just so. He be navigatin' the treacherous waters of history with a clever wit and a sly grin, avoidin' the whirlpools o' reparations.

And so, me mateys, this pirate be more candid than his mother, but he be no fool. He be steerin' clear of the callin' waves, choosin' to chart a course o' humor and mischief instead. Aye, that be the tale of this crafty scallywag, who sails the seas of history with a tongue as sharp as his cutlass.

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