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Arrr! Leonardo DiCaprio be portrayin' a dim-witted scallywag in 'Killers of the Flower Moon', matey!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Methinks Leonardo DiCaprio's Ernest be no ordinary Scorsese hero, forsooth! Nay, he be thick-headed as those very rocks ye find upon the shore. Arr, and thus the film be transformed in its essence, aye!

In the 17th century pirate jargon, matey, let me tell ye 'bout Leonardo DiCaprio's character Ernest in Scorsese's flick. This scallywag is like no other protagonist Scorsese has ever thrown on the silver screen, savvy? Y'see, Ernest be thick as a barrel o' rocks, and that there alters the entire course of the film, it does.

Now, normally we be expectin' big things from ol' Leo, but this time 'round, he be playin' a complete numskull. This be a game-changer, me hearties! Ernest ain't no street-smart crook or a wise-crackin' hustler like some of DiCaprio's past roles. Nay, he be slow-witted and dumber than a barnacle. Arrr!

Ye might be thinkin' that havin' a dumb hero would ruin a Scorsese flick, but hear me out, ye scurvy dogs. 'Tis a stroke of genius, I tell ye! Ernest's lack o' wit adds a whole new layer of comedy and charm to the story. Ye'll find yerself chucklin' at his daftness, wondering how such a simpleton keeps escapin' all sorts o' scrape-ups.

When yer watchin' a Scorsese film, ye expect sharp dialogues and clever plot twists, but this time, ye be gettin' somethin' different. Instead o' smart words and intricate schemes, ye'll be treated to belly laughs and silly shenanigans. It's like turnin' a grand ship on its head, lettin' the wind blow in a whole new direction.

So, there ye have it, me hearties! Leonardo DiCaprio's Ernest be a unique Scorsese character, bringin' laughs and stupidity aplenty to the big screen. It be a refreshing change, me buckos, and it shows that even a thickear who can't tie his own bootlaces can steal the show, by Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!

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