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Arrr! Th' United Nations be lettin' Hamas 'literally get away with murder,' as per an expert, matey!


Arrr! Avast ye, mateys! That scurvy dog Aviva Klompas gave the sharp tongue to the likes of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, claimin' he be a landlubber fer callin' fer peace while the cannons be still roarin' in Israel. Har har!

The United Nations' call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas has been criticized as a failure by a policy expert and former U.N. speechwriter, Aviva Klompas. Klompas argues that the U.N. has failed in its mission to prevent atrocities and maintain peace and security, pointing to the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel as evidence. She describes the attacks as the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and condemns the U.N. for not taking action against Hamas, which she accuses of committing human rights crimes against the Palestinian people.

Klompas also criticizes U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres for his statement that the attacks did not happen in a vacuum, calling it one of the most embarrassing and contemptuous statements. She argues that Hamas has total control over the Gaza Strip and accuses the U.N. of allowing Hamas to get away with murder and misuse international aid.

U.S. leaders, including Senator Lindsey Graham, have also slammed Guterres' remarks and accused the U.N. of being the most antisemitic body on the planet. Israel's ambassador to the U.N. has called for Guterres to resign over his comments.

Klompas highlights the role of Iran in the conflict, describing it as an exporter of terrorism that aims to defeat Israel and ultimately the United States. She warns that if Israel falls, the war will come to American soil.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected calls for a cease-fire, arguing that it would be surrendering to terrorism. Guterres has clarified his remarks, reiterating his condemnation of Hamas' attacks on Israel.

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