The Booty Report

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Avast ye! An Aussie lass be accused o' deployin' treacherous fungi to send her ex-husband's kin to Davy Jones' locker!


Arr matey! Erin Patterson, a scallywag of 49 summers, hailing from Leongatha, Australia, stands accused of dispatching her ex-husband's kin, the parents and aunt, with a devilish dose of venomous shrooms during a merry family feast. A mischievous act, indeed!

Australian woman Erin Patterson has been charged with the murder of her ex-husband's parents and aunt, as well as attempted murder of another guest, after allegedly poisoning them with mushrooms during a family lunch. The incident took place at Patterson's country home in Leongatha, Victoria, where Gail and Don Patterson, both 70, Heather Wilkinson, 66, and Wilkinson's husband, Ian Wilkinson, 68, were invited for lunch on July 29. All four guests were hospitalized the next day, with only Ian Wilkinson surviving.
Patterson, who denies any wrongdoing, was also charged with three counts of attempting to murder her ex-husband, Simon Patterson, who became ill after eating meals in 2021 and 2022. Police suspect the wild Amanita phalloides mushrooms, commonly known as death cap mushrooms, caused the poisoning. Patterson wrote in a statement that she used mushrooms bought from a supermarket and dried mushrooms from an Asian grocery store to cook a beef Wellington dish for the lunch. She also consumed the meal and later experienced stomach pains and diarrhea.
Ian Wilkinson, a Baptist pastor, was released from the hospital in September and is still recovering. Murder in Victoria carries a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison. Patterson was expected to remain in police custody until her court appearance on Friday, where she may apply for bail. Bail requests for murder defendants are typically referred to a higher court.

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