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Behold! The Democrats scowl upon a Netanyahu comrade, who be the vital link to the mighty U.S.A! Arr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ron Dermer be sittin' in Israel's war cabinet, a vital bridge betwixt the Biden ship and our fair land. 'Tis a mighty tale, for he be erstwhile feuding with them Yankee officials durin' his time as ambassador in Washington!

In the realm of Israel's five-member war cabinet, there resides a man named Ron Dermer. This fellow, my hearties, be no ordinary matey, for he be the crucial liaison to the Biden administration. Aye, that's right! He be the one who walks the treacherous path, bridging the gap between the land of Israel and the shores of America!

But hold on to your peg legs, me hearties, for this be not the end of Dermer's tale. Nay, not even close! You see, this scallywag had a history with them U.S. officials, the very ones he now be dealing with. Aye, 'twas a clash of swords and words when he served as ambassador to Washington. But alas, the winds of fate have blown him back into their path, and now he be working alongside those he once sparred with.

Now, me mateys, let's talk about his role as a liaison. Picture this, if ye will - a ship with tattered sails, navigating through treacherous waters. That be the ship of diplomacy, and Dermer be the captain. Aye, he be the one who must keep both crews - the Israeli and American - from mutiny. 'Tis a daunting task, indeed!

But fear not, me hearties, for Dermer be a clever sailor. He knows the language of the land, both modern and ancient. He be well-versed in the ways of diplomacy, navigating the treacherous sea of politics with ease. His words be like gold, smooth as rum, and he knows how to charm those he speaks with.

So, me hearties, as we sail through these troubled waters, let us not forget the man named Ron Dermer. Aye, he be the pirate who sits in Israel's war cabinet, bridging the gap between two mighty nations. 'Tis a role not for the faint of heart, but Dermer be no ordinary pirate. Nay, he be a captain, sailing through the storm with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

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