The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Tinseltown scallywags be settin' sail on Tuesday, ready to cast their votes fer the contract treasure!


Arr, me hearties! The SAG-AFTRA scurvy board did vote on Friday to send the blasted agreement wi' the studios to its members for a ratification process that be endin' in early December. Avast ye, me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ya scurvy dogs! The SAG-AFTRA board be votin' just the other day, ye see, and they decided to be sendin' the agreement with them studios to its members for a ratification process! Aye, that be right, me mateys! This process be takin' 'bout until early December.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker this all means. Well, let me tell ye, ye landlubbers! This be a big step, it be! The agreement they be talkin' 'bout be somethin' that affects all us actors and performers. It be determinin' how we be gettin' paid, what rights we be havin', and even how long we be workin' for! Aye, 'tis a matter of great importance!

But fear not, me hearties, for this here news be bringin' smiles to our faces! 'Tis a good sign, it be! By sendin' this agreement to the members, the SAG-AFTRA board be showin' that they trust us to make the right decision. They be trustin' us to vote for what be fair and just for our pirate brethren!

So, me mateys, mark yer calendars, for the end of this ratification process be nigh! Come early December, we be knowin' the outcome, and we can all raise a toast to a successful agreement! Aye, we be celebratin' the fact that our voices be heard, and our rights be protected!

Until then, me hearties, let's keep our spirits high and continue fightin' for what we believe in. We be a strong crew, united as one, and together we be makin' a difference in the world of entertainment! Arrr!

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