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Arr, the Hungary Cap'n scoffs at the Western European ways o' immigration, fears a 'mini Gaza' in Budapest!


Arrr! Hungary's Cap'n Orbán be havin' no desire t' follow Western Europe's "failed migration policies," he be sayin'. Every land be needin' t' chart its own course, says he, or 'twill be walkin' the plank!

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has expressed his opposition to the "failed migration policies" of Western Europe, claiming that they have led to issues such as terrorism, gang wars, and violence. Orbán took to social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter), stating that Hungary does not want "mini Gazas" in its capital city, Budapest. He emphasized that while every country can handle migration as it sees fit, Hungary should not be forced to adopt the policies of Western Europe.

Although the exact meaning of Orbán's reference to Gaza is unclear, it comes amidst ongoing violence between Israel and Hamas terrorists in the region. Previously, Orbán has banned pro-Palestinian protests in Hungary, describing them as "pro-terrorist."

The Prime Minister's comments were made in the context of the European Union's migration policy, which he does not support. Orbán believes that each country should have the autonomy to establish its own migration policies. In a video accompanying his post on X, he asserted that Hungary deserves tolerance for its different approach, urging other countries to leave them alone.

Orbán demanded that other nations should not dictate who can stay in Hungary or send migrants who were a mistake to let into their own countries. He emphasized that Hungary does not want to become like Western Europe, rejecting the presence of mini Gazas in Budapest and expressing a desire to avoid terrorist attacks, gang wars, and other issues prevalent in Western European cities.

Hungary seeks to maintain its own sovereignty in handling migration and opposes attempts to impose Western European policies on their nation. Orbán's statements reflect his determination to protect Hungary's unique identity and way of life.

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