The Booty Report

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Arr, matey! 'Tis the tale o' the dreadful death toll in Israel from the treacherous Hamas-led attacks, ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr, Israel be havin' a hard time tallyin' the death toll o' the savage attack by ol' Hamas on Oct. 7. Them corpses be all cut up, makin' it tough to count 'em rightly. 'Sides that, they be strugglin' to identify them foreign workers who met their end in these vicious strikes, mateys!

In the good ol' seventeenth century, mateys, Israel be havin' a bit of trouble tallyin' up the numbers o' those who met their untimely end in the savage attack by those scurvy dogs of Hamas on Oct. 7. Aye, ye see, it be a bit of a tricky business, as some of the corpses be mutilated beyond recognition, leavin' the poor blokes in a pickle tryin' to figure out who's who.
Arr, but that ain't all, me hearties! Ye see, there be some poor souls among those slain who hail from foreign lands, workin' in the treacherous territories where the attack took place. Aye, it be a challenge indeed to identify them poor souls, for they be far from their homes and their faces may be known to only a select few.
Now, ye might be wonderin', why would they be botherin' to count the dead in the first place? Well, me mateys, it be a matter of honor, it be. Aye, it be crucial for Israel to know the exact number of lives lost in this dastardly act of aggression, for it be a matter of justice and seekin' retribution. Aye, ye see, knowin' the true count be settin' the stage for retaliation, and no self-respectin' pirate can let an attack go unanswered!
But alas, me hearties, the task be no easy one. With bodies turned into a gruesome sight and foreign souls lost amidst the chaos, the poor souls tasked with countin' be facin' quite the conundrum. Aye, it be like searchin' for a hidden treasure in a stormy sea, a true test of their mettle.
So, me hearties, let us raise our mugs to those brave souls, fightin' the odds and navigatin' the murky waters of corpse countin' in the aftermath of a brutal attack. May they find their way through this tangled mess and bring justice to the fallen. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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