The Booty Report

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Avast ye landlubbers! Forty scallywags be locked up 'ere, causin' a mighty ruckus at a brig in South Carolina!


Avast ye! A riot be brewin' at a jail in Richland County, South Carolina. Forty scurvy dogs were locked away on Sunday night, but no harm befell any. Arr, the authorities be keepin' things shipshape!

Avast ye landlubbers! Forty scallywags be locked up 'ere, causin' a mighty ruckus at a brig in South Carolina!

In a comical 17th century pirate language, the officials in South Carolina be tellin' us that there was a riot at a jail in Richland County. Arr! The riot be startin' when some scurvy dogs set a fire at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center in Columbia. The Columbia police and fire departments came to the rescue 'round 8 p.m. on Sunday, arrr!

Now, me hearties, these officials say that the scallywags be lightin' bedsheets on fire and grabbin' blunt objects, turnin' the whole thing into a riot! Yarrr, what a ruckus! One of the detainees even broke a door to get to the fire, but the firefighters swooped in, forced the door open, and doused the flames like heroes of the high seas!

The deputies lent a hand to the detention officers and managed to capture 40 of these miscreants, with no injuries bein' reported to law enforcement or the inmates. Yo ho ho!

Now, bear with me, there be another story I must be tellin' ye. It seems that this incident be under investigation, just like the tale of the Arkansas man who be arrested for drivin' through the South Carolina nuclear power plant security fences. Arrr, quite the scandalous adventures happenin' in South Carolina, if ye ask me!

So, me hearties, the officials be workin' hard to find out what exactly went down during this riot. Until then, we can only hope that these landlubbers be learnin' their lesson and stay out of trouble. Ahoy, mateys!

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