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Avast ye! China be settin' its sights on shamin' ol' Biden. Xi's economy be in ruins, desperate fer a triumph!


Arrr, matey! Come Wednesday, President Biden and China's Xi Jinping shall cross swords in San Francisco. Methinks the U.S. be havin' the advantage, but mark ye me words, Biden may be more akin to a landlubber than a fierce buccaneer, bendin' the knee instead o' takin' charge.

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Biden's ability to negotiate with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, stating that Biden cannot string together coherent sentences and lacks the skills to navigate diplomatic discussions. The upcoming meeting between Biden and Xi in San Francisco is concerning for multiple reasons, including Biden's mental impairment and potential compromises. If Biden and his family received millions of dollars from Chinese entities, Xi likely has knowledge of those transactions and can use them as leverage to sway Biden's decisions towards the Communist Party's interests. It is expected that Biden will avoid confronting Xi on important issues such as China's role in the opioid epidemic or their support for Iran-backed Hamas. Instead, Biden will focus on climate change and request China's increased commitment in that area, despite China's continued construction of coal-fired power plants. The summit will primarily serve Xi's need to demonstrate his superiority over Biden, while the US president will fail to acknowledge China's vulnerability and the importance of the US-China relationship. This is evident from the script of their previous meeting in Bali, where climate change cooperation was emphasized, but other critical topics were addressed obliquely. China's economy is struggling, with slowed growth, falling exports, and foreign companies leaving the country. Xi needs a win, and outshining Biden will provide that. The meeting will likely begin with visuals that portray Xi as powerful and Biden as needy. The White House has set low expectations for the meeting and is seeking to reopen military-to-military communications. However, the Biden administration's attempts to appear tough on China have been ineffective and have not lessened the US's reliance on China. Overall, the Biden administration's approach to China is uncertain, timid, and ineffective, which reflects the president's leadership style.

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