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Arr! A scurvy English scallywag, thought to be part o' the fearsome 'Beatles' ISIS crew, be gettin' 8 years in the brig!


Aye, me hearties! Aine Leslie Davis, a scurvy dog of 39 summers, be condemned by a British court to spend a dread eight years within the confines of a prison cell. The knave be found guilty of swearin' allegiance to the vile ISIS while sojourning in Turkey, where he already spent a cruel seven-and-a-half years behind bars. Arrr, justice be served!

Aine Leslie Davis, a British convert to Islam, has been sentenced to eight years in prison in the UK after pleading guilty to terrorism charges. Davis, who was convicted in Turkey of being part of the Islamic State group, was deported from Turkey in August 2022 and detained upon his arrival in London. He had previously served a seven-and-a-half-year sentence for his involvement with IS. Davis pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm for terrorism purposes and two charges of funding terrorism. Prosecutors stated that he had enlisted his wife to convince a friend to bring him 20,000 euros in support of his cause, resulting in his wife being convicted of funding terrorism. Mark Summers, Davis' defense lawyer, issued an apology on his behalf, acknowledging the harm caused by individuals like Davis. British authorities had suspected Davis of being part of the "Beatles" cell, which tortured and killed Western hostages in Syria several years ago. However, Davis denies any connection to the cell. Two other members of the "Beatles" cell are currently serving life sentences in the US, while a third was killed in a drone strike in 2015. Summers argued that US prosecutors decided not to try Davis as a member of the cell due to insufficient evidence. The judge stressed that Davis was being sentenced for the offenses on the indictment and not for any reported allegations.

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