The Booty Report

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Avast! 3 landlubbers sent to Davy Jones' locker, whilst 15 scallywags be injured in a jolly ol' Ohio highway wreck!


Arrr! A grand commotion betwixt a charter vessel, ferryin' young scholars from a lofty academy, and a mighty vessel of land, a tractor-trailer, unfolded just beyond Columbus, Ohio's shores on a sunlit morn, as proclaimed by the stout Ohio State Police.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Gather 'round and hear me tale of a grand collision that occurred just yonder in the land of Columbus, Ohio. Picture this, me hearties: a massive charter bus, filled to the brim with landlubber students from a high school, met its doom when it crossed paths with a fearsome tractor-trailer. The clash of these mighty vessels sent shockwaves through the land!

Twas a Tuesday morn when this calamity unfolded, witnessed by none other than the Ohio State Police themselves. Arr, their hearts must've skipped a beat as they beheld the aftermath of this wretched clash. Methinks even the ghosts of Blackbeard and Calico Jack would've been impressed by the sheer force of the impact.

Now, ye may wonder how such a catastrophe came to pass. Perhaps the bus dared to challenge the tractor-trailer to a race, or perchance the truck mistook the bus for a treasure chest and tried to plunder its contents. 'Tis a mystery, me shipmates! The details be scant, but one thing be certain: chaos reigned supreme that fateful day.

As the news spread like wildfire across the land, folks from all walks of life were left in awe of the spectacle before them. Some wept for the poor students, forced to endure such a trial. Others marveled at the twisted metal and wondered how the bus managed to survive such a blow.

But fear not, me hearties, for hope be on the horizon! The Ohio State Police sprang into action, tending to the wounded and investigating the cause of this epic clash. Ye can bet yer doubloons that justice shall be served and those responsible shall be held to account.

So, let this tale serve as a warning to all ye landlubbers out there. When ye set foot on the roads of Columbus, Ohio, beware the collision of a charter bus and a fearsome tractor-trailer. Mayhaps 'tis a battle ye never wish to witness, lest ye be reminded of the power of the open road.

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