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Arrr! Word be goin' 'round that Putin be plannin' to sail the electoral seas once again in 2024!


Arrr, mateys! Word be sailin' the seven seas that this here scallywag, Vladimir Putin, plans to set sail for re-election in 2024. Aye, it be said he be searchin' for trusty mates to spread his campaign message. Avast, ye landlubbers!

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly planning to seek re-election in 2024, marking his potential return for a fourth term as president. According to sources, Putin has already begun searching for campaign surrogates to support his bid for presidency. An "initiative group" is said to be coordinating efforts to raise support for Putin once he announces his candidacy, which is expected to happen later this year.

Putin has expressed his intention to formally launch his bid for presidency following the Russian parliament's call for a presidential election in December. While he was a member of the ruling United Russia Party when he was elected in 2012, Putin dropped from the group during his successful re-election campaign in 2018 and is likely to run as an independent candidate this time.

The Kremlin has shown dismissiveness towards elections in recent months, seemingly acknowledging the questionable credibility of Russia's democratic institutions on the international stage. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov even stated that technically, elections don't even have to be held, as it is clear that Putin will be elected anyway. Peskov's earlier statement to The New York Times, where he referred to the Russian presidential election as a "costly bureaucracy," caused some controversy, but he later clarified his remarks.

In October, Peskov reiterated that there is no competition against Putin and that he is the leading politician and statesman in Russia. He expressed his personal opinion that Putin has no rivals at the moment and cannot have any in the Russian Federation.

Overall, the reports indicate that Putin's bid for re-election in 2024 is highly anticipated, and it seems likely that he will secure another term as president with significant support.

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