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Arrr! Them scurvy dogs from Mexico's court be lockin' away them ex-officers for 50 long years! Aye, fer mass murder o' migrants and a sneaky coverup!


Avast ye! In the land of Mexico, a mighty court hath condemned 11 scurvy dogs, once known as police officers, to spend 50 long years behind bars for their wicked deeds in the year of 2021. 'Twas the slayin' of 17 wanderin' souls and two locals that sealed their fate!

In a court in Mexico, 11 former police officers have been sentenced to 50 years in prison each for the slayings of 17 migrants and two Mexican citizens in 2021. The officers were convicted earlier this year of homicide and abuse of authority, while a 12th officer was convicted only of abuse of authority and sentenced to 19 years in prison. They were members of an elite police group in the northern state of Tamaulipas, near the Texas border. The officers initially claimed they were responding to shots fired and believed they were chasing vehicles belonging to one of the country's drug cartels, which are often involved in migrant smuggling. However, it was later revealed that the police had burned the victims' bodies in an attempt to cover up the crime. The bodies were found in a charred pickup truck in Camargo, an area known for turf battles between cartels. Most of the migrants were from indigenous farming communities in Guatemala. The officers involved in the killings knew that shell casings could give them away, so they picked them up from the scene. This incident has brought back memories of the 2010 massacre of 72 migrants in the same state, although that was carried out by a drug cartel, not law enforcement. The elite police unit that the officers belonged to, known as GOPES, had a notorious reputation, leading the US government to distance itself from them. Some of the officers had received training through a State Department program, but the embassy stated that the training was compliant with human rights concerns.

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