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Arrr! Israel be showin' videos o' Gaza's Al-Rantisi Hospital, claimin' it be used by those scallywags from Hamas!


Arr, me hearties! Israel be showin' two videos from inside Gaza's wee children's hospital, claimin' they be showin' weapons and explosives. Them Gazan health officials be denyin' the hospital's military use. Who be tellin' the truth? Only Davy Jones knows!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me mateys, here be a tale o' shenanigans unfoldin' in a faraway land known as Gaza. Arr, Israel be claimin' they got some videos o' weapons and explosives bein' housed in the main children's hospital in that cursed place.
But the crafty Gazan health officials, they be denyin' such claims, me hearties! They be sayin' that the hospital be used solely for the treatment o' poor little scallywags and not for any military mischief. Aye, a battle o' words be brewin'!
Now, picture this, me buckos. A grand ol' hospital filled with tiny pirates in need o' aid, and Israel be sayin' they found some hidden treasures of the explosive kind. But the Gazans, they be stickin' to their story, claimin' innocence like a bunch o' landlubbers in denial.
So who be tellin' the truth, ye ask? Well, that be a question worth more doubloons than we can count! The Israelites be adamant that these videos prove their accusations, while the Gazans be holdin' fast to the belief that their hospital be as pure as the driven snow.
But let's take a moment to ponder, me hearties. Why would a children's hospital be harborin' weapons and explosives? Can ye imagine the chaos that would ensue if little Johnny Pirate had a mishap with a cannonball while gettin' his leg fixed? Arr, it be a disaster waitin' to happen!
So, until more evidence be uncovered or one side be admittin' guilt, we be left with a classic case o' he said, she said, or in this case, they said. And while the truth be buried beneath the waves, we can only hope that the innocent wee ones be spared from any harm in this treacherous war.

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