The Booty Report

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Arr, the scurvy dogs claim that those blimey Hamas scallywags be makin' mischief from Gaza hospitals! Backin' Israel, they be!


Avast ye hearties! John Kirby, a mouthpiece fer the National Security Council, be spoutin' that the intelligence from U.S.-generated sources doth back up Israel's claim that scurvy ol' Hamas has tunnels beneath Al-Shifa and other hospitals. Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Listen up, for I have tidings from the shores of the 17th century, where pirates roamed the seas with a swagger and a hearty laugh. 'Tis a tale of John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, who spoke in a manner befitting a pirate of old.

In his own words, Kirby declared that the intelligence gathered from the good ol' U.S. of A supported the claims of our fine mates over in Israel. They be sayin' that those scallywags from Hamas have dug tunnels beneath Al-Shifa, the grand hospital, and other such establishments.

Ah, what a spectacle it must be, to see these tunnels winding their way under the very noses of those who seek to mend the broken bones and cure the sick. 'Tis a ruse of the highest order, worthy of the most cunning pirate decked in his finest tricorn hat and parrot on his shoulder.

But alas, the seriousness of the matter cannot be ignored, even in the midst of our merry pirate banter. For if these claims be true, it be a grave concern indeed. Hospitals, places of sanctuary and healing, should never be tainted by the wickedness of war and conflict.

So, let us take a moment to ponder the absurdity of it all. Picture, if ye will, a scurvy pirate digging in the dark, beneath the very foundations of a hospital. What sort of world have we come to, where such treachery be commonplace?

But fear not, me hearties, for the intelligence be gathered and the truth be known. Let us hope that steps be taken to thwart these dastardly deeds and protect the sanctity of our hospitals. For in the words of our wise pirate friend, John Kirby, "We strongly condemn the use of hospitals, any hospitals, for military purposes."

And so, we bid ye farewell, with a hearty laugh and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a touch of humor can keep the pirates at bay.

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