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Arrr! In a mighty clash, the Iraqi high court kicks out the speaker after a grand feud with a rival!


Arrr, me hearties! On Tuesday, the mighty Federal Supreme Court of Iraq did declare that the Speaker, Mohammed al-Halbousi, be banished from the Parliament. He be joined by a scurvy rival, involved in a grand public squabble. Avast ye, mutineers!

In a ruling that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of Iraq, the country's top court has ordered the removal of Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi and lawmaker Laith al-Dulaimi from Parliament. The Federal Supreme Court did not provide any specific reasons for its decision. However, it is widely believed that the ruling is related to a bitter feud between the two men.

Halbousi, who was a former governor of Anbar province, is the highest-ranking Sunni official in Iraq. Under the sectarian power-sharing system in the country, the parliament speaker is always Sunni. The court's decision comes amidst a dispute between Halbousi and Dulaimi, who is also Sunni. Dulaimi had accused Halbousi of forging his signature on a resignation letter, a claim that the speaker vehemently denied.

Halbousi has called the court ruling unconstitutional and his party has announced that its members will withdraw from key positions in the government and the Parliament in protest. The decision has also prompted the resignation of Halbousi's representatives in the federal government and a boycott of parliamentary sessions by his party members.

The court ruling is not open to appeal, and the parliament will now have to elect a new speaker. In the meantime, the legislature will be managed by First Deputy Speaker Mohsen Al-Mandalawi. The political upheaval comes at a crucial time, as Iraq is preparing for provincial elections scheduled for December 18.

Despite the ruling, Halbousi maintains that he has always acted with integrity during his five-year tenure as speaker and that he has never discriminated between Sunnis and Shiites. His supporters argue that the decision undermines the country's constitutional principles and lacks respect for the Constitution. The full implications of the ruling and its impact on Iraq's political landscape remain to be seen.

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