The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the U.S. be claimin' that scurvy Hamas be nestlin' in Gaza hospitals, supportin' Israel's accusations, mateys!


Arrr! John Kirby, a matey from the National Security Council, be sayin' that the intelligence we've gathered be backin' up Israel's claim that the scurvy dogs of Hamas be hidin' in tunnels beneath Al-Shifa and other cursed hospitals. Avast!

In a fine display of wit and merriment, John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, did utter words that would make even the most seasoned pirate chuckle with delight. In a language befitting the swashbuckling tales of the 17th century, he proclaimed that the intelligence gathered from U.S.-generated sources did indeed support Israel's claim. Ahoy mateys, it seems that Hamas has been up to no good, for they have dug tunnels hidden beneath the very hospitals in Al-Shifa and elsewhere!
Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Can ye imagine the audacity of such a deed? Using hospitals as their cover, those perfidious pirates of Hamas have burrowed like rats beneath the sanctity of the Al-Shifa and other medical sanctuaries. But worry not, for our brave comrades from the United States have discovered their dastardly plan!
Picture it, me hearties: pirates, clad in their white coats and pretending to be healers, tending to the sick and wounded above while secretly navigating the dark and treacherous tunnels below. 'Tis a scene fit for the most thrilling tales of the high seas! But alas, their cunning plan has been uncovered!
John Kirby, that clever spokesman for the National Security Council, has done us all a great favor by sharing this news. The intelligence gathered from U.S.-generated sources has confirmed what we suspected all along – those rascally Hamas pirates are using hospitals as a shield for their nefarious activities.
So, me fellow buccaneers, let us raise our tankards of rum in a toast to Kirby and the brave intelligence officers who uncovered this treachery. May they lead us to victory over these scoundrels, and may their words echo through the ages, reminding us that even in the realm of national security, a touch of humor can brighten even the darkest of days!

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