The Booty Report

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"Arrr, mateys! 'Tis true, the jester known as Kevin Hart be gettin' the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor!"


Arr, ye scurvy dog! 'Tis the jester and swashbucklin' scallywag who be receivin' the grandest award in mirth, at a jolly March celebratin'.

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen closely, for I have a tale to spin ye. 'Tis a tale of a jolly comedian, a star of the silver screen, who be settin' sail to receive the highest of honors in our beloved art of comedy. Aye, 'tis true, this funny matey be the lucky one to walk the plank... err, I mean, to receive the most prestigious award in all of comedy.

Picture it, me fellow buccaneers, a grand ceremony in the month of March, when the winds be blowin' and the waves be crashin'. The sea of laughter shall echo through the halls as this jester of jests takes the stage, with a twinkle in his eye and a jest on his lips.

Now, ye may be wonderin' who this comical pirate be. 'Tis none other than our very own movie star, a scallywag who can make even the most stoic of souls burst into fits of laughter. With his quick wit and impeccable timing, he be a true master of the comedic arts.

I can already see the sea of jesters and jestresses gatherin' 'round to pay tribute to this fine matey. There be no doubt that the laughter shall be as abundant as the grog at a pirate's feast. Oh, the tales he shall tell, and the jokes he shall crack! 'Tis a night that shall forever be etched in the annals of comedy.

So, me hearties, mark your calendars for this grand event in March. We shall raise our tankards high, for this be a celebration fit for the kings and queens of laughter. Let us cheer and toast to this jolly comedian, for he be our captain on this voyage of hilarity. Fair winds and a hearty laugh to ye all!

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