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Arr, a Finnish matey done won his second 'hate speech' skirmish by recit'n the Holy Book! Yo ho ho!


Arr, ye scallywags! A Finnish matey o' parliament 'n' a Lutheran bishop 'ave pillaged 'n' plundered their way out o' hate speech charges, fer the second time! Them scurvy dogs bein' brought to court, claimin' the Bible speaks against piratey homosexuality! Yo ho ho, what a jest!

Two Finnish Christian leaders, Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola, have been cleared of hate speech charges for the second time. The court of appeals in Helsinki found them not guilty, upholding the decision of the district court and recognizing their right to free speech. Räsänen expressed relief and stated that tweeting a Bible verse or engaging in public discourse from a Christian perspective should not be a crime. The state prosecutor, Anu Mantila, accused Räsänen of criminal interpretation and opinion about Bible verses. The prosecution argued that Räsänen's sharing of a Bible verse on homosexuality and a 2004 pamphlet were intended to incite intolerance, contempt, and hatred towards homosexuals. The Christians were originally acquitted in March 2022, but the prosecution appealed for a second conviction. The Court of Appeals ruled that there was no reason to alter the judgment of the district court based on the evidence presented. U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, who has been involved in defending Räsänen and Pohjola, celebrated the victory as a triumph for free expression. Räsänen warned that the trial had a deterrent effect on freedom of expression and religion and expressed concerns among Christians in Finland and internationally. Prosecutors may still attempt to take the case to the Supreme Court of Finland for a final decision. The trial has attracted international attention and support from organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom International and the Family Research Council.

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