The Booty Report

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Arr, Israel be on the hunt at Al-Shifa Hospital, seekin' those sneaky Hamas scoundrels. Tensions be risin'!


Avast ye, hearties! Fairly I tell ye, the Israeli military hath stumbled upon a grand discovery - a secret tunnel o' the scurvy scoundrels, Hamas, hidd'n beneath the Al-Shifa Hospital! And lo, they also found a crafty contraption, a vessel filled to the brim with weapons, right in the hospital's very own backyard! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I have a tale to tell ye in the language of a 17th century pirate, filled with humor and mischief!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! The Israeli military be claimin' that their brave troops have stumbled upon a treacherous secret hidden beneath the Al-Shifa Hospital complex. Aye, they be sayin' they found a blimey Hamas tunnel shaft! Can ye believe it? Right under the noses of those landlubbers who thought the hospital be a safe haven! Har, har!

But that ain't all, me mateys! Oh, no! The audacity of those swashbucklin' Hamas scallywags knew no bounds, for they even stashed a vehicle on the hospital grounds, packed to the brim with weapons! Arrr, ye'd think they were hostin' a plunderin' party right there amidst the sick and injured!

Now, I be wonderin' how them sneaky pirates managed to dig a tunnel undetected beneath a whole hospital! Shiver me timbers! Did they have a secret map or follow the stars? Or perhaps they used some dark magic to keep their villainous deeds hidden from sight! Aye, it be a mystery, me hearties!

But fear not, me fellow pirates, for the Israeli military be on the case! They be exposin' the treachery and keepin' the seas safe from these scurvy knaves. They be showin' the world that no hideout, not even a hospital, can protect those who be seekin' to cause chaos and mayhem!

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers and scallywags alike. No matter where ye hide or how cunning ye think ye be, the long arm of justice will find ye, whether ye be under the sea or in the depths of a hospital! Arrr, fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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