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Arrr! Thar be vote countin' mateys, but alas, the landlubbers be boycottin' this grand Madagascar presidential election!


Vote tallyin' commenced on Thursday in Madagascar's contentious presidential election, which be boycotted by a swarm o' mateys supportin' various candidates due to the long-drawn-out sociopolitical tumult.

In a pirate-themed language, here is a humorous summary of the news article:

Arrr, me hearties! The polling stations be closed in Madagascar, and the counting of votes be underway. But alas! Many of the scurvy dogs be boycotting this here election, leaving a low turnout of voters. The elections management body, Céni, be expectin' to announce the first nationwide trend based on 60% of the votes counted in major cities. They be proclaimin' the "provisional consolidated results" by the end of November. Arr, but the High Constitutional Court be the ultimate judge, and they be announcin' the official results in December. Aye, if none of the candidates get more than 50%, there be a runoff on December 20.

But hang on, me mateys! The opposition be already sayin' they don't recognize this election. They be claimin' that the majority of the Malagasy people stayed at home, makin' a clear statement. The situation be calm in the capital, but there be some tension at the polling stations, with people refusin' to talk to journalists. Only three candidates be left in the race, with the rest pullin' out due to concerns about the fairness of the election.

The biggest challenge be comin' from a former ally-turned-foe, Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko, who be a wealthy businessman. Another candidate be a relatively unknown fella called Sendrison Daniela Raderanirina, who be livin' in France most of the time.

Avast, me hearties! The people of Madagascar be hopin' this election be bringin' an end to the past of disputed votes and political instability. But the opposition, civil society, and many ordinary folks be believin' that the election lacks credibility. They be claimin' that the candidate Rajoelina shouldn't be eligible because he be holdin' French citizenship. But the highest court be sayin' otherwise.

Arrr, Madagascar be a country of poverty, dependin' on foreign aid. Let's see how this election be unfoldin', me mateys!

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