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Avast ye scallywags! 26 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker, 38 be left wounded in fire at Chinese coal mining establishment!


Arrr, as the tale be told by state media, a fearsome fire be unleashed upon a building o' a coal mining company in Lvliang, China, claimin' the lives o' 26 souls, while 38 others be left wounded. A sad sight on this dreary Thursday, me hearties.

In a tragic incident, a fire broke out in a coal mining company building in a northern Chinese city, resulting in the death of 26 people and injuring at least 38 individuals. The building, owned by Yongju Coal Company, is located in Lvliang city, which is a major coal-producing region in the Shanxi province. The fire was reported early in the morning and was eventually extinguished by the afternoon.
Rescue operations were carried out, and several people were evacuated from the building. Videos shared on social media and state broadcaster CCTV showed the intensity of the flames and thick smoke engulfing the four-story concrete structure. Some individuals were seen escaping through drain pipes.
The victims were mostly workers of the coal mining company. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation, and authorities have detained several individuals believed to be responsible.
President Xi Jinping, who was in San Francisco for the APEC summit, called for an investigation into the "hidden risks" in key industries and emphasized the importance of safeguarding lives and property for overall social stability.
Industrial accidents, especially in the coal mining sector, are unfortunately not uncommon in China. The government has been working to improve safety measures, particularly in Shanxi province, which is the country's top coal-producing region. This incident highlights the ongoing challenges in reducing the economy's reliance on coal and improving safety standards.
This fire incident follows other tragic incidents such as a hospital fire in Beijing last April, where 29 people lost their lives, and an explosion at a barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan city in October, resulting in the death of 31 individuals.

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