The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Behold, ye scurvy experts be alarmed by China's energy plan! A court judge be squashing Trump's gag order, yarr, more top tales!


Avast ye! Obtain all thar tales ye need-to-know from thar mightiest name in news, delivered straight to thy inbox at dawn.

FUELING THE CCP – Experts are warning about the consequences of Biden's agreement with China to shut down oil and gas. The deal has raised concerns about energy dependence and national security. Read more...

OVERRULED – An appeals court has overturned a judge's order in the Trump fraud trial, citing concerns about free speech. The ruling has sparked debate over the balance between protecting speech and ensuring a fair trial. Read more...

HERITAGE IN DISPUTE – A prominent Indigenous icon is facing claims that their Indigenous heritage may not be legitimate. The controversy has led to discussions about identity and cultural appropriation. Read more...

'REVOKED' – A homeowner who defended their family in a shoot-out has had their gun permit revoked. The decision has ignited discussions about self-defense and gun rights. Read more...

'GLOBALIZE THE INTIFADA' – A pro-Palestinian group has posted a map in New York City linking locations to 'genocide' in Gaza. The action has sparked controversy and debates about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Read more...

RED LIGHT – The House has adjourned for Thanksgiving, with mixed results for Speaker Johnson. The break has been marked by internal party conflicts and both victories and losses. Read more...

LABOR PAINS – Biden is using Trump's own words against him in an attempt to win back a major voting block. The strategy has raised questions about political tactics and messaging. Read more...

WORLDS APART – The Senate and House are heading for a showdown over a defense bill. The disagreement highlights the ongoing divisions between the two chambers of Congress. Read more...

'IMMEDIATE ACTION' – The Biden administration claims it can revoke visas of Hamas supporters, as Republicans push for action. The issue has brought attention to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the role of the US. Read more...

'WRENCHING DEBATE' – Minnesota is considering a measure on assisted suicide, which has divided doctors and loved ones. The topic raises ethical questions and concerns about end-of-life care. Read more...

GENERATION 'SEX' – Gen Z is reportedly more comfortable with non-monogamy than previous generations. The findings reflect shifting attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. Read more...

NO VACANCY – A booming US city is facing a housing affordability crisis. The situation highlights the challenges of rapid urban growth and the need for affordable housing solutions. Read more...

'VERY GOOD SIGN' – Job recruiters are praising a Pew poll on employee satisfaction. The results indicate positive trends in the job market and workplace conditions. Read more...

SEN. JONI ERNST – Here's how the US must defeat the world's No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism. The article provides a perspective on national security and strategies to combat terrorism. Read more...

JASON RANTZ – Seattle voters are not fully grasping the negative effects of leftist policies. The analysis critiques the impact of progressive policies on the city. Read more...

LAURA INGRAHAM – The hypocrisy from our elites is astounding. The opinion piece highlights instances of hypocrisy among political and cultural elites. Read more...

JESSE WATTER – Local election systems across America are vulnerable to attack. The article raises concerns about the security of the US electoral system. Read more...

SEAN HANNITY – Biden is not facing any consequences for his actions. The opinion piece criticizes the lack of accountability for President Biden. Read more...

GREG GUTFELD – The enforcement of pronouns is a dying fad. The article humorously discusses the trend of enforcing preferred pronouns and its decline. Read more...

'NEVER AGAIN' – A former Special Forces operator urges Biden to support Israel in its fight against Hamas. The article highlights the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the importance of US support. Read more...

BLAME GAME – Tori Spelling's ex reveals who is to blame for their money troubles. The article discusses the financial struggles of the actress and the factors contributing to her situation. Read more...

BIRTHDAY IN DARKNESS – A 9-year-old hostage of Hamas celebrates their birthday trapped in terror. The story sheds light on the human cost of conflict and the impact on innocent lives. Read more...

TROUBLE IN PARADISE? – Angel Reese may have been suspended due to benching and social media drama. The article covers a sports controversy and potential disciplinary actions. Read more...

IN THE SWING – A rescue bear named Jenny enjoys a leisurely moment at a New York animal sanctuary. The lighthearted story provides a break from the news cycle with an adorable animal video. Read more...

GUY BENSON – Biden's approval numbers are concerning. The video discusses the declining popularity of President Biden. Read more...

CARLEY SHIMKUS – Thanksgiving plans are still on despite challenges. The video provides updates on holiday preparations and celebrations. Read more...

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