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Arr, this salty dog be sayin' Israel needs our hearty support to scuttle them scurvy terrorists and claim victory!


Avast ye hearties! A scurvy dog, a former U.S. Army matey, be sayin' we must stand by our Jewish mates, arr! No rest, no truce, for the scallywags who be callin' for peace while antisemitism be growin' like barnacles on a rusty ship.

A retired special forces veteran who worked closely with the Israeli military is calling for unwavering support for Israel amidst increasing criticism worldwide. Lieutenant Colonel Yinon Weiss, who served for 23 years, including working with Israeli Special Operations, compares the recent attacks on Israel to significant historical events such as the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor. He emphasizes that the scale of the attacks on Israel is much worse, but many Americans fail to understand this due to their unfamiliarity with winning wars. Weiss points out that since 1945, the West has not engaged in wars with the intention of destroying enemies, but rather for regime change or gaining an advantage. He argues that the conflict between Israel and Hamas should be considered a full-on war, and nothing less than a full-on victory should be acceptable. While he believes that the United States should provide political support to Israel, he also states that Israel should fight its own war without being restrained or influenced by U.S. aid or views. Weiss also addresses the rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions, particularly on college campuses, and calls for stronger pushback from institutions overseeing these demonstrations. As the descendant of Holocaust victims, he sees the current situation as Jews saying "Never again is now," and emphasizes the need for Israel to destroy the enemy to prevent future attacks.

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