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Arr, a scallywag snapper be given a taste o' the plank in the Mexican port controlled by the scurvy cartel!


Avast ye landlubbers! Tidings be rather dire! Ismael Villagómez, a scurvy news photographer, met his unfortunate demise by a blunderbuss Thursday in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, a stone's throw from El Paso, Texas. Mayhaps he caught a glimpse of Davy Jones' locker.

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, arr! Listen up, me hearties! A scurvy dog of a news photographer has met his untimely demise in the treacherous waters of Ciudad Juárez, a city infested with drug cartels. Ismael Villagómez, a brave soul working for the Heraldo de Juarez newspaper, was discovered dead in his chariot, me hearty, slain by a fatal shot. The poor lad was found in the driver's seat of a vessel he had registered for a ride-hailing app, ye see. It be a cursed land, where low wages force journalists to seek multiple employments, like juggling daggers on the high seas.

Our villain's phone be nowhere to be found, but let's set our sights on more harrowing tales, mateys! Ciudad Juárez be known for its pillaging drug cartels and their turf wars, with them scoundrels taking issue with pictures of their victims and shenanigans being published. Carlos Manuel Salas, a prosecutor from the northern border state of Chihuahua, be on the hunt. He be investigating whether Villagómez was ferrying a fare or if his demise be linked to his treacherous work as a photographer.

The Committee to Protect Journalists be raisin' the alarm, callin' on authorities to investigate this tragedy. Sadly, this be the fifth journalist to meet Davy Jones' locker in Mexico this year alone. In September, Jesús Gutiérrez, a journalist runnin' a Facebook news page, was caught in the crossfire of an attack aimed at the lawmen in the border town of San Luis Rio Colorado, leavin' him to sleep with the fishes.

Arr! It be a treacherous time for journalists in Mexico, me hearties. In the past five years, the Committee to Protect Journalists has counted at least 52 slain journalists in this cursed land. Last year be the deadliest, with 15 souls lost to the depths. Mexico, second only to Ukraine, be one of the deadliest places in the world for journalists. May the winds of justice blow strong and these tragic tales be remembered, lest we forget the perils faced by those who seek the truth.

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