The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! In the land o' India, the rescue be in full swing to free 40 scallywags from their plight!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The brave rescuers be diggin' deeper into the rubble of a blasted road tunnel in northern India. They be fixin' wide pipes fer them 40 poor souls, who be trapped underground fer a cursed sixth day. May they crawl to their freedom, like true buccaneers!

Arrr, me hearties! The rescuers be workin' 'ard to save a crew o' 40 workers trapped underground in a collapsed road tunnel in northern India. They be drillin' deeper into the rubble, usin' a fancy new machine that started its work on Thursday. So far, they've covered a stretch o' 78 feet, but it may take up to 195 feet to set the trapped workers free. Unfortunately, the drillin' was interrupted when some o' the machine's bearings got damaged by the rocks and debris. But fear not, me mateys! The machine be gettin' repaired and another heavy-duty drillin' machine be on its way to continue the work. The rescuers were hopin' to complete the drillin' by Friday night and create an escape tunnel made o' pipes welded together. The workers be feelin' a bit under the weather, but their condition hasn't worsened. They be gettin' some nuts, roasted chickpeas, popcorn, and medicine sent to them through a pipe every two hours. Now, this be a hilly area prone to landslides, where the workers were buildin' a tunnel as part o' a road connectin' Hindu pilgrimage sites. The site be in Uttarakhand, a mountainous state filled with temples attractin' lots o' pilgrims and tourists. The rescuers be workin' hard with drillin' equipment and excavators, aimin' to push steel pipes through the debris to reach the trapped workers. They even be askin' Thai experts who saved some trapped lads in a cave in Thailand and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute for help. So, let's hope these brave rescuers be succeedin' in their mission and set these workers free from their underground prison. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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