The Booty Report

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Arrr, Israel be claimin' the hospital be hidin' a Hamas command center. Ye reckon, when shall we see the evidence, matey?


Arrr, the learned sea dogs reckon it be a mighty long reckonin' fer Israel to prove its claim, mateys. They speak o' days, weeks, or months! But who knows, it may ne'er see the light o' day, like buried treasure on a far off isle!

In the tongue of a swashbuckling pirate from the 17th century, let me regale ye with a tale of jest and wit! These military experts, wise scallywags they be, claim that the noble land of Israel may require days, weeks, or even months to present a conclusive argument. But, mark me words, there be a chance that such a proof may never see the light of day!

Picture this, me hearties! The Israeli crew, like seasoned sailors, embark on a treacherous voyage through the murky waters of evidence. Armed with their cannons of knowledge, they aim to fire a salvo that will shatter any doubts. Yet, the path to victory be fraught with peril, and the journey may be longer than a marauder's beard.

Oh, what a sight it would be! The military strategists, with their eyepatches and wooden legs, scratching their heads as they try to decipher the secrets of the land. They may pore over maps, decipher cryptic scrolls, and consult with mystic seers in search of the elusive truth. But, alas, it may be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss.

Ye see, me mateys, proving such a case be akin to finding a hidden treasure chest on a vast ocean. The tides of uncertainty may ebb and flow, and the winds of doubt may blow strong. The skeptics, like scurvy dogs, may scoff and jeer, questioning the very existence of the evidence. They be like a pesky parrot on ye shoulder, nay saying every word ye speak.

So, let us raise our grog-filled flagons and toast to the adventure that lies ahead! Whether Israel makes a definitive case in a matter of days, weeks, or months, or if it be lost in the annals of history forever, only time will tell. Until then, let us revel in the thrilling uncertainty, for it be the essence of a pirate's life!

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