The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Pope be settin' sail to confer with the kin of Israeli captives and the refugees of Palestine.


Arr, Pope Francis be plannin' to parley with Israeli hostages' kin and the poor souls displaced by the Palestinians at the Vatican next week. 'Tis after a grand audience at the holy abode.

In a humorous tone, in the language of a 17th-century pirate, we can summarize this article as follows:

Arr, mateys! Listen up! The Pope, that holy seafarer, be settin' sail to meet with the families of the Israeli hostages and those poor landlubbers displaced by the fightin' in Palestine. Arrr, it be happenin' on the 22nd of November after a grand audience at the Vatican.

The pontiff, he be meetin' with both groups, ya see? One group be made up of the kin of them poor souls held hostage by the scurvy dogs in Gaza. The other group be the family members of them poor Palestinians sufferin' from the conflict, arrr! Matteo Bruni, the matey who runs the Holy See Press Office, confirmed it, he did.

But mind ye, these talks be strictly "humanitarian" in nature, says the Vatican. They be keepin' it civil, they be.

Now here be some numbers for ye. There be 238 hostages still held by them Hamas rascals in Gaza, and 'tis said that 10 of 'em be Americans. The Gaza health ministry, which be run by the Hamas crew, claims that over 11,200 Gazans have been sent to Davy Jones' Locker in all this fightin'. But they don't bother distinguishin' betwixt them civilian folks and them Hamas scallywags.

Bruni, the Vatican matey, said that Pope Francis be sayin', "Every human bein', whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other, be sacred and precious in the eyes of God." He be wantin' to show his spiritual support to every sufferin' soul out there.

Meanwhile, them Israeli military be still goin' after the leaders of them Hamas critters in northern Gaza. They be takin' over their key bases, they be. And just the other night, they struck an Islamic Jihad stronghold. The communication systems be down, too, and them poor souls in Gaza be lackin' enough food and clean water, according to them U.N. folks.

Arrr, more than 12,000 souls have been lost in this Israel-Hamas war, mateys. It be a tragic tale indeed.

Aye, that be all the news from this report, me hearties. Fox News Digital's very own Anders Hagstrom, Louis Casiano, and Elizabeth Pritchett be sharin' their tales in this here article!

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