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DeSantis reckons Trump be a scallywag, a risky choice for captain, with meager booty to be won!


Arr! Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hath declared that the former President Donald J. Trump be too limited in term and age to wield the presidential power effectively. Methinks, he be castin' doubloons on the mighty Captain Trump's abilities to rule the grand ship o' state!

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed his concerns about former President Donald Trump as a potential GOP nominee for the 2024 election. In a humorous tone, DeSantis stated that Trump has a "small" chance of defeating President Biden and would struggle to attract the necessary talent to effectively govern if elected. DeSantis, who is currently competing with former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for second place in the Republican primary race, shared his thoughts on Trump during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union."

According to DeSantis, Trump is a risky choice because even if he were to win, he would become a "lame duck" on day one due to his inability to attract skilled individuals to his administration. Additionally, DeSantis compared Trump's age to Biden's, suggesting that the position of commander in chief is not suitable for an 80-year-old. Biden is roughly three and a half years older than Trump, who would be 79 upon taking office if elected. In contrast, DeSantis, who is 44, believes he is in the prime of his life and can serve two terms, deliver significant results, and move the country forward.

DeSantis also criticized Trump's current campaign approach, stating that he is no longer the dynamic candidate who shook up the 2016 debates. DeSantis argued that Trump is now reliant on teleprompters, unwilling to debate, and is running on the same unfulfilled promises from his previous campaign, such as building a border wall and draining the Washington, D.C. swamp.

Meanwhile, Trump targeted both DeSantis and Haley during his recent appearance in Iowa, urging attendees to ensure a substantial victory for him in the state's caucuses. Trump's remarks aimed to signal to other candidates that they should drop out of the race.

Ultimately, DeSantis's comments reflect his skepticism about Trump's chances in the 2024 election and his belief that he is a more suitable candidate to deliver the results that Republican voters desire.

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