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Lusty brigands of the prison kept wild watery revelries; one scallywag refused to toil ere carnal pleasures: tale be told.


Arrr, the scallywags in Belgium be on a quest to uncover if Lantin Prison be harbourin' a "nymphomaniac" who be lustin' after her crewmates, while the rest o' the crew be arrangin' grand ol' orgies! Avast ye, me hearties!

Belgium's largest prison, Lantin Prison, is facing a scandal involving guards and staff allegedly participating in wild sex parties and trading colorful bracelets to determine their sex partners. The scandal came to light after ten guards and staff members were accused of hosting orgies after work and even having intercourse with each other during their shifts. One employee, referred to as a "nymphomaniac," allegedly demanded sex from co-workers in order to perform her job. The parties reportedly took place in a jacuzzi owned by a male guard known as "P," and participants would randomly draw bracelets to determine their partners. The scandal also revealed that a senior official at the prison allowed the "nymphomaniac" employee to use his office for sexual encounters during her shift.

Lantin Prison, which houses both men and women and is described as a minimum-security facility, has initiated an official inquiry into the allegations. The scandal has raised questions about how the employee in question, "S," was hired, as her brother was reportedly an inmate at the facility serving time for murder. Additionally, the owner of the jacuzzi has been banned from the women's wing of the prison after allegedly having sex with female inmates. "S" has since been moved to work exclusively in the women's wing to "calm her sexual urges."

The Federal Public Service Justice Department in Belgium has stated that an internal investigation is currently underway, and disciplinary action may be taken. The scandal has received significant media attention, and the prison officials are cooperating with the investigation. The situation continues to develop, and updates are expected in the future.

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