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Arrr! Zelenskyy chatters with Fox's Benjamin Hall 'bout Israel, US elections, and Ukraine's place among 'global risks'.


Avast, me hearties! Ukrainian Cap'n Volodymyr Zelenskyy be speakin' to the Yanks 'bout their noble support fer Ukraine amidst the Israel-Hamas squabble. Aye, may the winds o' diplomacy blow in our favour, me mateys!

FOX News correspondent Benjamin Hall recently interviewed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his visit to Ukraine. The discussion covered various topics, including the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia and the Israel-Hamas conflict. Zelenskyy acknowledged the challenge posed by the Israel-Hamas war but emphasized the importance of not ignoring Russia. He revealed that Ukraine had sent multiple messages to Iran, urging them not to provide drones and licenses to Russia. The Pentagon confirmed that Russia has been relying on Iranian-supplied unmanned aerial vehicles in Ukraine. Zelenskyy stressed that Ukraine is at the center of global risks and warned that without significant pushback from the international community, Russia would continue to be emboldened.

The setbacks faced by Ukraine have implications for the U.S. presidential elections, with former President Donald Trump claiming he could quickly negotiate a peace deal. Zelenskyy invited Trump to Ukraine to explain to him that managing the war is not as easy as it seems. Support for Ukraine's war effort relies on aid from Congress, with President Biden urging lawmakers to pass a supplemental spending bill. Zelenskyy expressed hope that the United States would stand with Ukraine against Russian terrorism.

Addressing concerns that the funds could be better spent on Americans, Zelenskyy highlighted that a significant portion of the money goes back into the U.S. through production and job creation. He downplayed reports of a stalemate with Russia, pointing to incremental progress in the Black Sea region.

Zelenskyy also conveyed his condolences to the families of Fox News consultant Oleksandra Kushinova and two other individuals who lost their lives while helping Ukraine. He emphasized that Ukraine would never forget their sacrifice.

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