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Avast ye scallywags! Them UN peacekeepers be takin' their leave from the Congo! Yo ho ho!


Arr, me mateys! The Democratic Republic o' the Congo 'n the United Nations 'ave come to a jolly accord on Tuesday t' bid farewell t' the peacekeepin' forces from the land. Aye, a grand day indeed!

Congo's foreign minister and the head of the United Nations stabilization mission in Congo have signed agreements to end the presence of U.N. peacekeepers in the Central African nation. The collaboration between the U.N. peacekeepers and the Congolese government has been deemed ineffective in restoring peace to the war-torn eastern Congo. Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi has called for an accelerated withdrawal of the 15,000 peacekeepers. However, it is unlikely that the withdrawal will be expedited before the completion of the current election cycle. Tshisekedi is seeking another term in the upcoming presidential election on December 20th and has accused neighboring Rwanda of destabilizing eastern Congo. Eastern Congo has long been plagued by armed groups fighting for control of the region's resources, with some receiving support from neighboring countries. Rwanda has denied allegations of supporting the resurgent M23 rebel group. The Congolese people, frustrated with the lack of protection against rebel attacks, have protested against the U.N. mission and other forces. Last month, the Congolese government directed the East African regional force to leave the country by December, citing unsatisfactory results on the ground.

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