The Booty Report

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Arrr! In Israel, kinfolk of captives held in Gaza be waitin' nervously for tidings, mateys!


Arr, a few hours after the parley be declared, some kin o' hostages held in Gaza be claimin' they've not received any official word from the scurvy Israeli authorities, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arr! Hours after the cease-fire deal be announced, me hearties, some poor souls claimin' to be relatives of hostages held in the treacherous land of Gaza, be sayin' they received no official word from them scurvy dogs, the Israeli authorities! Aye, ye heard that right, mates!

Now, ye be wonderin', why in Davy Jones' locker would those Israeli authorities not be sendin' official information to these poor, distressed families? Be they too busy searchin' for hidden treasures or swabbin' the poop deck? Arr, we may never know! But, let me tell ye, it be a rather peculiar situation, indeed.

Picture this, me hearties: a bunch of worried souls, sittin' by the shore, their ears tuned to the salty winds, hopin' for a message in a bottle or a carrier parrot to deliver some news about their beloved hostages. Yet, nary a peep from the Israeli authorities. It be like tryin' to decipher a map with no "X" markin' the spot!

Now, some scallywags might argue that these authorities be simply too busy fightin' off those scurvy pirates in Gaza, ye know, the ones who be holdin' the hostages in the first place! But arr, that be no excuse! Ye can't just leave the poor folks in the dark, starin' at the horizon, wonderin' if their kin be safe or if they be walkin' the plank! It be downright cruel, I tell ye!

So, me hearties, until the day comes when the Israeli authorities decide to send official word to these families, we shall keep our ears to the ground and our spyglasses at the ready. We shall pray that those hostages find their way back to their loved ones, safe and sound. And if the authorities be readin' this, I beg ye, have a heart! Send those messages in bottles, or better yet, hire a parrot with a knack for deliverin' news. It be the least ye can do, ye scurvy dogs!

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