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Me mateys be mutinyin' 'gainst 'Genocide Joe' fer his peace talkin': 'Biden be a scurvy bilge rat indeed!' Arr!


Aye, mateys! Many a sprightly scallywag at the University of Michigan be sayin' they won't be supportin' Cap'n Biden in 2024, for the man's fondness for Israel be rubbin' 'em the wrong way. Arrr, the winds o' polly-tics be mighty fickle, arrr!

Young Democratic Party voters are reconsidering their support for President Biden's re-election in 2024 due to his commitment to support Israel's war effort against Hamas. According to The Washington Post, University of Michigan voters expressed their concerns about Biden's stance on Israel, with one voter referring to him as "Genocide Joe" because of his support for Israel. Bhavani Iyer, a senior at the university, who supports abortion access, is now conflicted about voting for Biden in 2024. The article also highlights the opinions of other students who feel divided on their support for Biden due to his handling of the Israel-Gaza war. A poll conducted by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist found that 48% of Gen Z and millennial respondents believed Israel's military response was "too much." Disapproval of Biden's management of the situation was also reflected in polls conducted by FOX News, Marist College, and Quinnipiac University. Some students expressed disappointment with Biden's reneging on climate initiatives and resistance to an Israel-Hamas cease-fire, leading them to call him "Genocide Joe." However, there are still those who believe young voters will ultimately support Biden in 2024 because they fear the alternative of Donald Trump. Overall, there is a growing sense of frustration and energy among young voters, with many questioning their support for Biden and expressing their concerns about his handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict. The Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee have not yet responded to these concerns.

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