The Booty Report

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Arr! Yonder do-gooder who counted corpses in Mexico's lawless land be slain, arrr!


Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis with a heavy heart that I be sharin' the news o' the untimely demise of Adolfo Enríquez, a brave soul who fought against the scurvy dogs o' crime in Leon. 'Twas a land riddled with bloodshed, where he be known fer chroniclin' the slayin's. Arrr!

In a tragic turn of events, Adolfo Enríquez, an activist who documented murders in one of Mexico's deadliest cities, has been killed. The city of Leon, located in north-central Guanajuato state, ranks third in terms of homicides in Mexico, just behind Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez. Enríquez described himself as an activist demanding a country with the rule of law, and he dedicated his social media profiles to posting the tally of murders in Leon.

Enríquez was murdered in Leon, becoming the 56th murder victim in the city in November. Local police confirmed his death, but no details about the attack were provided. He was reportedly shot after leaving a restaurant, with the assailant fleeing on a motorcycle. This tragic incident is not an isolated case, as crimes against activists in Mexico are unfortunately common.

Enríquez's work gained national attention after he posted a security camera video of a woman being stabbed to death in Leon. The video helped authorities take action and arrest the perpetrator. Leon, like the rest of Guanajuato, has been plagued by violent turf battles between the Jalisco drug cartel and local gangs supported by the Sinaloa cartel.

This is not the first time activists documenting drug cartel violence have met a tragic end. In 2011, blogger Maria Elizabeth Macías was murdered in the border state of Tamaulipas. Her body was found with a note allegedly signed by the Zetas cartel. Mexico also holds the grim title of being the deadliest place in the world for environmental and land defense activists, with 54 killed in 2021 alone, according to a report by Global Witness.

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