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Arrr! Hostage families castigate scurvy journalists for likenin' Israel and the scallywags of Hamas at the Vatican gabfest!


Avast ye! 'Twas a tempestuous affair at the Vatican press conference, as kin of Israeli hostages be at odds with the press o'er their "false equivalence" betwixt Israel and the scurvy scoundrels known as Hamas. Aye, the air be thick with tension!

The Vatican press room became the setting for a lively discussion between the families of Israeli hostages and the press following their meeting with Pope Francis. The families, whose loved ones are being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, met with the Pope after his general audience. Pope Francis expressed his desire for peace, urging everyone to pray for it. Tensions rose when a reporter suggested that the Pope was equating both sides as practicing terrorism. One family member, named Adam, strongly disagreed with this claim, stating that Hamas had committed acts of terrorism such as attacking innocent people, taking children hostage, and raping women. He argued that Israel was defending itself against Hamas, even though casualties were unfortunate. Adam praised the Pope for his compassion and understanding, saying that he felt the Pope was working to ensure the hostages' safe return. The reporter, however, continued to question whether the Pope had made a false equivalence between Israel and Hamas. Another panelist from Israel stated that he did not recall the Pope making such an equivalence and believed that the Pope was specifically referring to Hamas's actions as terrorism. Alexandra Ariev, whose sister is among the captives, praised the Pope for his time and expressed gratitude for his support. Besides meeting with the families of Israeli hostages, Pope Francis also met with relatives of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

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